“Well done, good and faithful servant. Well done.”
The time you ministered in the rest home, the prison, the home for unwed mothers. The time you volunteered at the school. Oh, and that Thanksgiving at the homeless shelter.
God will surely say, “Well done.”
But don’t forget that God will also reward your faithfulness to your ministry at home.
He’ll say, “Well done” because you hung in there when you had to drag the children out of bed, dress them, feed them, chauffeur them, and help with homework.
“Well done” because you scrubbed the toilets, mopped the floor, and cleaned toothpaste around the sink and mirror while washing, folding, and putting away endless loads of laundry.
“Well done” because you managed to pay the bills, love your husband, and keep up with every detail of everybody else’s schedule even when you felt like your share of the load was way too heavy.
“Well done” because you took two short ends and, despite what it looked like, successfully made them meet.
“Well done” because you hung in there when you were tired, frustrated, and feeling totally unappreciated and in need of someone to look into your soul and love you and take care of you this time.
Keep ministering in the small things.
Keep cleaning the toilets.
Keep changing the diapers.
Keep teaching the children…the same lesson…over and over…and over and over…
Keep loving.
Keep making salads.
Well done, you good and faithful servant, you. Well done!
Kendra Timberlake, 2006